Great Providence of Heaven
Chapter 5 – Of Divine Providence God the good Creator of all things, in his infinite power and wisdom doth uphold, direct, dispose, and govern all creatures and things, from the greatest even to the least, by his most wise and holy providence, to the end for the which they were created, according unto his […]
May 2022
May 2022 Under God, Over the People The Calling & Accountability of the Civil Government A Confessional Perspective Our newest title is now available through both UK and US distributors. Order Now to get your copy! Order Now! The Theology on the Go Podcast hosted by Jonathan Master and James Dolezal interviewed Oliver Allmand-Smith on […]
Eight Questions of Conscience
Eight Questions of Conscience Prolouge by Broken Wharfe Benjamin Keach exposes an all-too-common occurrence among professing Christians in the following sketch of the conversation between True Godliness and Conscience. One of the strengths of puritan theology was applying biblical truth to the various expressions of a lost condition found among professing Christians. One also finds […]
Systematic Theology & Godliness
Systematic Theology & Godliness In our first three reflections on systematic theology, we saw how “theology” refers to the study of God and all things in relation to God – including faith and obedience – in a Christ-focused way. Its two foundations are God himself and Scripture. The word “systematic” refers to rightly ordering the […]
Review: The Distinctiveness of Baptist Covenant Theology – What’s New in the Revised Edition?
Baptist Covenant Theology – What’s New in the Revised Edition of The Distinctiveness? by Pascal Denault Buy Now Baptist Covenant Theology A Note from Broken Wharfe Baptist Covenant Theology is a vital doctrine filled with glorious truth. We are thankful to Pascal Denault for allowing us to publish his helpful and honest explanation of the […]
April 2022
April 2022 Under God, Over the People The Calling & Accountability of the Civil Government A Confessional Perspective We are excited to announce that this new title is now in production and will be available through both UK and US distributors. April Podcast Interviews This month pastor and author Oliver Allmand-Smith was busy discussing several […]
Chapter 4 – Of Creation
Chapter 4 – Of Creation In the beginning it pleased God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, for the manifestation of the glory of his eternal power, wisdom, and goodness, to create or make the world, and all things therein, whether visible or invisible, in the space of six days, and all very good. Second […]
Legalist, Morality and Justification by Faith
Legalist, Morality & Justification by Faith In his travels to see where he can get a welcome, Benjamin Keach has True Godliness arriving at the house of Legalist. Legalist says that he already has a man called True Godliness in his home. The dialogue continues: Godliness: ‘Sir, it is certainly a mistake; you have been greatly […]
The Focus of Theology
The Focus of Theology In our first two reflections on systematic theology, we considered what the word ‘theology’ means and how the two-fold ground of theology (God and his Word) provides the proper context within which to understand the theologian’s work. This month we will reflect on the subject matter of theology. What is the […]
March 2022
March 2022 Under God, Over the People The Calling & Accountability of the Civil Government A Confessional Perspective We are thrilled that our new title Under God, Over the People is now available for pre-order this month. This new book demonstrates the confessional Baptist perspective on the relationship between church and state found in chapter […]