January 2022 sees the official launch of Broken Wharfe Confessional Baptist Resources.
After an initial soft-launch in November 2021, we have been working to finalise building everything necessary for providing the first confessional Baptist resource base for the UK and Europe. For several years, many have noted the lack of distinctly confessional Baptist material available in Britain and the continent. We seek to address this need. It is our conviction that we have a spiritual and moral responsibility to encourage the faith and life of those who confess to believe the Scriptures summarised in the Second London Baptist Confession of Faith. It is our prayer that Christ would be pleased to use our meagre efforts to recover lost ground in our churches.

The Broken Wharfe Pamphlet (The BWP) is a weekly blog dedicated to providing confessional Baptist content.
In January 2022, we will begin publishing various articles emphasising aspects of confessional Baptist theology. Here you will find articles from various contributors exploring the treasures of God’s word as summarised in the Second London Baptist Confession. Additionally, we will provide information covering latest news, updates, forthcoming articles and more!
3x Upcoming Blog Series
Beginning this month The BWP will publish three new blog series (1x per week). We are excited and thankful to our contributors for their willingness to provide this much needed content and pray that the Lord will be pleased to use these efforts to build his church. The 3x series and contributor information are provided below.
Pastoral Overview
by Chris Rees, minister, Bethesda Baptist Chapel, Narberth, Wales
This monthly blog series contains a brief pastoral overview of each chapter of the 2nd London Confession. Written by a pastor for his flock, this series is lovely collection of articles aimed at introducing congregations to the confession.
Historical Fragments
by John Palmer, former minister, Bethany Evangelical Church, Leigh, England
This monthly blog series is a collection of historical extracts taken from confessional Baptist’s of the past. However, each article aims at showing the ongoing relevance of God’s word due to their eternal nature.
Treasure Worth Seeking
by Jonny Woodrow, minister, Christ Church, Loughborough, England
This monthly blog series is dedicated to exploring the depths of God’s Word as summarised in the 2nd London Confession. Each article will cover some aspect of confessional Baptist doctrine in depth.

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Deity & Decree provides clarity on God’s being and purposes as summarised in the Second London Baptist Confession of Faith. This is an exposition, expansion and explanation of two most glorious doctrines; God and his decree.

Coming Mid-January!
Watch this space for another new title coming in mid-January 2022. Free shipping will be available for the first week only!
Click Below to Discover More Books!

We are happy to announce that we will be supplying several titles for the Carey Conference 2022 bookstall including titles by the main speaker, Samuel Renihan. Attendees will also have early access to titles not yet released by Broken Wharfe!
About the Conference
Covenant is one of the great themes of Scripture. God’s relationship with his people is, and has always been, founded upon and defined by covenant. Covenant is prominent in both Old and New Testaments. Yet Christians have differed greatly in their understanding of the biblical covenants. How many are there? Are they characterised by works or grace? Are they national or spiritual? How do they relate to one another? Is there an eternal, intratrinitarian covenant? These questions have vital practical implications for God’s people – on questions of baptism, the place of the moral law in the Christian life, how we use the Old Testament, and more.
The conference is open to all involved in pastoral and preaching ministry and their wives, as well as all men and women involved in Christian ministry and leadership. The Second London Baptist Confession of Faith of 1689 is the theological basis of the conference. As well as the formal sessions, the conference provides plenty of time for informal fellowship and relaxation. There will be a bookstall, as well as exhibition stands run by partner organisations seeking to proclaim the gospel and extend the kingdom of Christ across the world.
Broken Wharfe Distribution

During the last year we have been in discussions with several publishers agreeing a way forward in making confessional Baptist resources more easily available in the UK and Europe. The response from each publisher has been encouraging and all have expressed their desire to help support reformed baptists gain more ground in the faith and practise among British and European Christians. These heartening responses have led to the following developments.

We are privileged to partner with Parrēsia Books as their exclusive UK distributor. Parrēsia have been working tirelessly to provide quality designed books.
As both founders of Parrēsia Books are also full-time pastors, Broken Wharfe has been able to assist in getting their UK-based publishing project off the ground. By providing warehousing and distribution behind the scenes, we hope to enable both men to continue pastoring whilst publishing quality books far into the future. We pray that this partnership will go far in encouraging more confessional Baptist resources originating from the historic home of the Second London Confession!
Click below to visit the Parrēsia website!

We are grateful to Richard Barcellos, founder of RBAP, for agreeing to allow us to exclusively distribute the entire range of RBAP titles in the UK.
These books are a welcome addition to the distribution work of Broken Wharfe. RBAP has been doing encouraging work in the field of confessional Baptist theology seeking to recover our confessional heritage. For many reformed baptists in the UK, we are often saddened by becoming so thin on the ground that our American counterparts are having to teach us about our own confession and history. However, we do not despair! We pray this partnership will go far in encouraging the recovery of confessional Baptist life in the UK and Europe.
Click Below to View RBAP Titles!

Broken Wharfe is now the exclusive UK and European distributors of The Baptist Reprint Series and On the Side of God: The Life and Labors of Andrew Fuller by Jeremy Walker.
We are excited to announce that we reached an exclusive distribution agreement with the US publisher, Free Grace Press. These titles have long been difficult to obtain in the UK and Europe without the ever-increasing international shipping costs! Free Grace Press has partnered with us to help make these titles easier and cheaper to acquire.
Click Below to View These Titles!