Preaching as the Primary Means of Grace

Julius Santiago

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Preaching as the Primary Means of Grace is a subject that sorely needs recovery in our day. Julius has opened a theological door left shut for far too long and behind which more of Christ’s biblical treasures await rediscovery, for the glory of our King and the good of his
new covenant people.

“For many Christians preaching is considered a wholly irrelevant means for communicating the gospel in the 21st Century. Even worse, preaching is seen as a problem, not the solution to the many weaknesses of the Church. When preaching is considered the poison and not the remedy, then we are in big trouble. How much then this book is needed for all who stand in the pulpit and who sit in the pew, to learn with conviction that preaching is God’s choice chariot which He rides to bring Himself, His salvation and His grace to the hearts of sinners. A must-read for every called Preacher.”

Minister Chris Rees

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Preaching as the Primary Means of Grace
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Rich in Content

This is not merely another book on preaching. It is neither about how to preach nor a study on the nature of preaching. Instead, it places preaching in the context of the gathered body of believers, teaching us what God is doing when a gifted and qualified preacher rightly expounds God’s word.

Accessible in Style

This book is accessible and succinct. It reads as one who sits next to you in the pew, yet by one whom God has called to fill the pulpit.

In a Package Made to Last Generations

This book is no normal paperback. It is printed on Swedish-Milled Munken Pure paper, both glued and sewed, and being typeset with readability in mind: this book is practical, durable and a pleasure to read.



Means of Grace


The Primary Means of Grace – Part 1


The Primary Means of Grace – Part 2


Denials of the Primary Means of Grace


Duties of the Hearer


Duties of the Preacher

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Preaching as the Primary Means of Grace
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Additional information


Embossed, High Quality Paperback


Swedish-Milled Munken Pure


Smyth Sewn


240 x 148 mm





