Milk for Little Ones: The Baptist Catechism for Children

Ryan C. Hodson

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Milk for Little Ones: An Introduction to the Baptist Catechism

The Baptist Catechism put into a short and simple form for children to understand, learn and embrace the Word of God.

This little book puts the Baptist Catechism into a readable format for children. Ryan Hodson, the author, has carefully edited the questions and answers with the goal of making them easier for children to read, learn and memorize. It is suitable for all children from the earliest ages and aids parents in enriching them with the truths of the Word of God.

What is this book good for? It presents children with the precious, eternal, necessary, life-giving truths of the Faith in words they can understand.

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From the Introduction

“May we earnestly heed the call to catechize our children, especially in the days in which we find ourselves. Our Particular Baptist forebears were keenly aware of the vital role that catechizing children played in discipling the next generation of the church… May we heed the call which is given to every generation of believers: to train up our children int he fear and admonition of the Lord.”

Ryan C. Hodson

About the Author

Ryan C. Hodson is Co-Pastor of Christ Covenant Reformed Baptist Church, Haltom City, Texas. He is married to Anika and they have two children. He writes of this book “While there are many excellent Reformed Baptist catechisms available today, I desired to have one that was not only a bit more robust in its exposition of covenant theology, but which also explicitly outlined the particular type of covenant theology to which I hold, namely 1689 Federalism.”

Milk For Little Ones

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Baptist Catechism, Keach's Catechism, Introduction to the Baptist Catechism, Catechising, Catechism for Boys and Girls, Family Worship Catechism, Family Catechism


Broken Wharfe


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