Company News

June 2022

Upcoming Titles!

We are excited to announce that a number of new titles are in both editing and production phases. Look out for upcoming announcements from Broken Wharfe. 

Topics will include Preaching, Missions and Confessional Baptist History and Theology. We continue to focus on the need in the UK and Europe while providing for an international demand. In order to achieve this goal we are in contact with distributors and retailers in Australia, America and Asia. Additionally, we are working with Christians from other European countries to promote translation work on select Broken Wharfe titles.

IRBS UK Patristics Course

July 11th - 15th

We look forward to attending the next IRBS UK Course on Patristics held at Trinity Grace Church in Ramsbottom. Dr Jason Montgomery will be lecturing about the doctrine and life of the church in this crucial period of her early formation, as we see that our Reformed faith is rooted and grounded in the great tradition. This course is offered for those interested in studying with IRBS UK, as well as for those who desire to grow in their understanding of the faith from a confessional Reformed Baptist position.

For more information please email


Each month we highlight a title from the Broken Wharfe Bookshop. In doing this, we hope to increase an appreciation for the rich theological heritage and relevance of Confessional Baptist teaching.

Every Book of the Month will be available at a discounted price!

Better than the Beginning is not a typical book on creation. It seeks to take the reader from the original creation to its intended goal–the new creation. The Bible is allowed to comment on creation’s author, act, purpose, covenantal context, and goal. This book will help readers see the Christocentric and Christoclimactic nature of biblical revelation. Creation is seen to be for the Son of God to bring glory to the triune God in bringing many sons to glory. What Adam failed to do the Lord Jesus Christ does.

Now Only £6.79!

What do Others have to Say?

“Creation is controversial, and truly we need to defend biblical doctrine concerning the origin of all things. Yet sometimes in the midst of controversy we can lose sight of the purpose of creation itself. Richard Barcellos uses the creation of the world like a great telescope to look up at the beauty of the Creator. His book focuses our attention on the triune God in Christ. He draws his doctrine from a careful exposition of the Bible, applies it to our practical lives, and calls us to sing the praises of Him who is worthy, “for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created” (Rev. 4:11). This is an edifying book, and I hope that many will read it.”
Joel Beeke
“. . .a God-glorifying, soul-edifying, life-transforming survey of this majestic and practical subject.”
David P. Murray
“Read this book, and you will deepen your understanding of the Lord’s purposes in bringing the world into existence.”
James Renihan
“Christ brings the creation train derailed by Adam to its original glorious destination! This insight is vital to an understanding of the gospel and the vital, scriptural distinction between the law and the gospel. May God give this volume great usefulness!”
Samuel Waldron

Association Discussion Day 

Countesthorpe Baptist Church

Broken Wharfe is grateful to have been able to provide Confessional Baptist resources at the recent Association Discussion Day in Countesthorpe, England. Read the following report given below:


We praise God that the association discussion day went really well on 21 June 2022. 15 men represented approximately 10 churches. There was a good spirit of unity, and a great desire to see association come to fruition. There was great encouragement as men shared about the situations of their churches, and we were exhorted to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.

There were extensive and helpful deliberations concerning the development of a constitution for associating together. An incredible amount of progress was made.

Let us give thanks for all that was accomplished on the day. Let us pray that soon we will be able to see association in practice. Let us pray that this will be for the mutual edification and strengthening of the churches.