Nehemiah Coxe: A Vindication of the Truth (US)

Nehemiah Coxe

Ed. James M. Renihan, PhD

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A Vindication of the Truth is a masterful theological treatise where Nehemiah Coxe defends the tenets of Reformed Orthodoxy against the “gross errors” of Thomas Collier, a heretic of the time. Theology Proper, Christology, Hermeneutics, the Doctrine of Scripture and other areas of theology are treated in this book, and Coxe shows the common ground the 17th Century Particular Baptists shared with the early church creeds, thinkers such as Augustine and Aquinas, and the other Confessional Reformed churches of the period.

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About the Book

Dr James Renihan and those that have worked alongside him have done a remarkable job providing this work to us. They have crafted a modern edition that includes meticulous transcription of the original, notes for Hebrew words and translation of Greek and Latin terms and phrases. Renihan has spent much of his life studying the Second London Baptist Confession of Faith, and through that he has become well acquainted with Nehemiah Coxe’s life, writings, and context.


Nehemiah Coxe (1650-1689) was the son of the first-generation Particular Baptist pastor, Benjamin Coxe. He was an important figure in the second generation of “baptized” congregationalist ministers. Recognized as a “gifted brother” by John Bunyan’s Bedford congregation in 1671, he was called to and ordained pastor (along with William Collins) of London’s Petty France church in September 1675. It has been surmised that these two men edited the document known popularly as the 1689 Confession when it was first published in 1677.



Concerning God; The distinct Subsistencies (sic) in the Divine Nature: And more especially, the Person of the Son


Of Election


Of the Extent of Christ’s Death


Concerning the Moral Power of Man, or Free-will, where also of Original Sin


Wherein some things relating to the principles already asserted, are farther cleared and vindicated: And also the Saints perseverance proved, and Tho. C’s exceptions removed


Of Justification


Of the Day of Judgement, and the Everlasting punishment of the wicked

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Nehemiah Coxe's "A Vindication of the Truth"

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Dimensions 22.9 × 15.3 cm

Broken Wharfe


Smyth Sewn







