“Covenant Theology: From Adam to Christ” is a reprint of Nehemiah Coxe on God’s Covenants with Adam-Abraham and John Owen on God’s Covenants with Moses-the New Covenant. Coxe believed that John Owen (despite being a Congregationalist and coming to different conclusions concerning the relation of the New Covenant to the children of believers) had written so excellently on the covenants God made with Adam and Abraham there was no need for him to offer his own discourse on the matter. This volume, researched and edited by Prof James M. Renihan of International Reformed Baptist Seminary (IRBS) is Coxe and Owen assembled into one volume on Covenant Theology, giving us the history of God’s covenantal dealings with humanity from beginning to end.
Weight | .737 kg |
Dimensions | 23.6 × 15.8 × 2.65 cm |
Publisher | Reformed Baptist Academic Press |
Binding | Smyth Sewn |
Cover | Hardback |
ISBN | 9780976003939 |
Language | English |
Condition | New |
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