Covenant Theology Bundle (US)

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Covenant Theology Bundle

The Covenant Theology Bundle provides a valuable resource for exploring the depths of God’s covenants throughout the Scriptures. This collection of books is an ideal way of discovering the careful reflections of Confessional Baptist theologians, past and present.


The Distinctiveness of Baptist Covenant Theology (Revised Edition)

by Pascal Denault

Recovering a Covenantal Heritage

Ed. by Richard Barcellos

Covenant Theology: From Adam to Christ

by Nehemiah Coxe and John Owen


The doctrine of the divine covenant lies at the root of all true theology. It has been said that he who well understands the distinction between the covenant of works and the covenant of grace is a master in divinity. I am persuaded that most of the mistakes which men make concerning the doctrines of Scripture are based upon fundamental errors with regard to the covenants of law and of grace. May God grant us now the power to instruct, and you the grace to receive instruction on this vital subject.

Charles H. Spurgeon, The Wondrous Covenant, inThe Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Sermons, vol. 58(London: Passmore & Alabaster, 1912), 58: 517.


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God of the covenant, Triune Jehovah,
Marvels of mercy adoring we see;
Seekers of souls, in the counsels eternal
Binding Thy lost ones for ever to Thee.

Not now by words bringing death to transgressors,
Grace unto life the new covenant brings,
Jesus our Surety, our Kinsman Redeemer,
Round us the robe of His righteousness flings.

Blessings on blessings through age unending,
Covenant fullness in glorious flood;
Ours is a hope which no mortal can measure,
Brought in by Jesus and sealed in His blood.

God of the covenant-changeless, eternal,
Father, Son, Spirit in blessing agree;
Thine be the glory, our weakness confessing,
Triune Jehovah, we rest upon Thee.

Jessie F. Webb

Additional information

Weight 1.302 kg
Dimensions 23.5 × 16 × 5.5 cm

Solid Ground Christian Books, Reformed Baptist Academic Press


9781599253664, 9781499714487, 9780976003939



