In this bundle we pick three of our favourite titles on biblical theology – all by Richard Barcellos.
These books by R. Barcellos present the progressive revelation of God’s redemptive purposes and plans throughout the Bible, from the beginning (protology) in Genesis to the end (eschatology) in Revelation. Read this bundle and discover more about the wonderful works of the Triune God in redeeming his people and building his mighty kingdom.
“A proper understanding of Adam’s state in the garden is fundamental to a coherent doctrine of salvation, which is why this little book on the covenant of works is so important. Richard Barcellos mines the riches of the Reformed Baptist theology and explains the covenant of works with exegetical fidelity and theological clarity. Anyone who wants greater insight into the covenant of works and Reformed Baptist confessional theology should definitely read this book.”
J. V. Fesko, PhD Academic Dean Professor of Systematic and Historical Theology Westminster Seminary, California
“Although many Christians have been engaged in a life-or-death battle to defend the truth of creation against evolutionary attacks coming from inside and outside the church, there has been little exploration of the doctrine of creation in all its glorious height, depth, width, and length. Richard Barcellos has begun to remedy this neglect with a God-glorifying, soul-edifying, life-transforming survey of this majestic and practical subject.”
David P. Murray, PhDÂ Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids, Michigan
The Family Tree of Reformed Biblical Theology x1
“For those who love Reformed biblical theology and Reformed systematic theology, this is a satisfying, happy book, providing for us a family tree of continuity from the Prince of the Puritans, John owen, to the father of Reformed biblical theology, Geerhardus Vos.”
Joel R. Beeke, PhD President of Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids, Michigan
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