Review: Under God, Over the People

Buy Now Reviewed by Les Yates 22 March 2022 Allmand-Smith, Oliver. Under God, Over the People: The Calling & Accountability of Civil Government: A Confessional Perspective. Macclesfield: Broken Wharfe, 2022. 110 pp. £9.99 Under God, Over the People, written by Oliver Allmand-Smith, is of immense value to anyone unsure of the relationship between civil authorities with […]

Of God’s Decree

Chapter 3 – Of God’s Decree God hath decreed in himself, from all eternity, by the most wise and holy counsel of his own will, freely and unchangeably, all things, whatsoever comes to pass; yet so as thereby is God neither the author of sin nor hath fellowship with any therein; nor is violence offered […]

Old-Age, Peevishness and Hard-Heart

Old-Age, Peevishness & Hard-Heartedness In ‘The Travels of True Godliness‘, Keach depicts his hero as seeking where he can gain admittance. Sometimes he is found talking to those on whose door he knocks at some length. When he reaches ‘Old-Age’, the discourse is shorter because of his hardened heart. ‘Godliness, being now rejected by Riches, […]

The Twofold Ground of Theology

The Twofold Ground of Theology This week we continue our back to basics reflections on systematic theology. In our last post, we considered the word theology. We concluded with Turretin that it refers to the word of God or words concerning God. Turretin shows that theology must therefore rest on a twofold foundation: God and […]

February 2022

February 2022 We are happy to announce that as of this month we can now offer international shipping options. We continue to focus our efforts on the UK and Europe where we see a great need for making Confessional Baptist resources more readily available. We have been working hard to establish our distribution network and […]

What is Systematic Theology?

What is Systematic Theology? I teach an introduction to systematic theology class as part of a part-time bible handling course alongside pastoring a church. The folks who attend the course come from various backgrounds; some have pastoral and teaching responsibilities in their churches, while others simply want to learn to read and apply God’s word […]

January 2022

January 2022 Carey Conference 2022 We are thankful to the Christian Bookshop in Dunstable for their tremendous help in running the bookstall for the Carey Conference 2022. Broken Wharfe was able to provide several books for the bookstall and we were encouraged to see much interest in confessional Baptist material. The topic for this year […]

Official Launch

OFFICIAL LAUNCH January 2022 sees the official launch of Broken Wharfe Confessional Baptist Resources. After an initial soft-launch in November 2021, we have been working to finalise building everything necessary for providing the first confessional Baptist resource base for the UK and Europe. For several years, many have noted the lack of distinctly confessional Baptist […]

The Broken Wharfe Story

 Broken Wharfe is one of the oldest wharves in London located on the river Thames. The Meeting House “Broken Wharfe, according to Stow, is ‘so called of being broken and fallen into the Thames;’ but others have affirmed that it was here old worn-out vessels were broken up.” [Harrison’s Description of England in Shakspeare’s Youth, […]